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Kompakt fotoğraf makinesinin taşınabilirliğini, DSLR kalitesiyle birleştiren Aynasız fotoğraf makinelerimiz ile hikaye yaratmaya hazır olun.

Aynasız Fotoğraf Makinelerini Keşfedin

About Canon CEE

Canon CEE (located in Vienna, Austria) is the regional sales organization of Canon Europe (RSO) for Central and South East Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus. It was founded in 1994 in order to develop the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe.

About Canon CEE

Today Canon CEE is responsible for 25 countries which are split into 8 regions where Canon CEE operations are mostly supported by either a Canon CEE subsidiary or a Canon CEE representation office:

Canon Bulgaria EOOD: Bulgaria
Canon Adria d.o.o.: Slovenia (also providing regional support to former Yugoslavian countries)
Canon Croatia d.o.o.: Croatia
Canon Ukraine LLC: Ukraine
Canon CENV representation office Greece: Greece
Canon CEE representation office Romania: Romania
Canon CEE representation office Serbia: Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo
Canon CEE representation office Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan

Belarus, Moldavia and Kaliningrad (RU) are managed by the CCEE HQ in Vienna. In Cyprus and Malta business is managed by independent distribution partners.

Our customers benefit from consumer and professional imaging products including leading edge photographic equipment, printers, scanners and binoculars, as well as our advanced range of Digital Compact and SLR cameras. In addition, our Business Solutions offer a vast portfolio of print and document solutions for small and medium businesses, large corporations and governments.

Canon CEE employs more than 130 people across the region.